Monday, June 29, 2009

After a VERY long day being all alone with my son and Moe the mut........I turned on my sons favorite movie, put the dog outside, and poured myslef a large glass of ice water. (Praying THIS would be the time Jesus assended apon me and turned it into WINE!) I then tried to relax by turning on my computer and entering my social outlet of FaceBook. While chatting with a long lost friend I get interupted.....

"Mommy......I poop on my leg"
"Excuse me!?!"
"I poop on my leg"
"Did the dog take a crap in the house?! Where were you sitting!? Let me see you leg!!"
As I checked out his little 2 year old calf I notice sadly...this is NOT dog poop. But I wonder.......
"How did this get on your leg?!"
"I don't know!?!" As he says these words he lifts his arms up in question as I then make my discovery.....
"I don't know!?"

Lesson for the day......teach children that poop is not a toy. What the hell am I saying. The lesson is that life is CRAZY and moms only get to relax when we are all ALONE (preferably with wine or cake!)

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