I am in LOVE with organization.....I've been making lists since I was a kid. One of my absolute favorite things to do.....hold your laughter for a later time please....Is to first make a list. Then as I accomplish each item on my list, I get to cross it off with a cheerful, bright and colorful Sharpie marker! No other brand...has to be a Sharpie. I have 3 mason jars filled with every color you can imagine! Why a mason jar.....because on a daily or sometimes hourly basis I can look at a mini rainbow with all of their bright colors and it makes me happy!
Our dog has his own room, yes he shares it with the recycling, but he has his own shelf with his own things that are neatly labeled with the word MOE and followed by a paw print drawn on by yours truely with what else....a Sharpie!:)
My garden.....organized. The veggies themselves are in neat rows with cute little labels! I have my tools, watering cans, notes on plants.......all in the same convinient area to my little baby garden. I even have shoes.....these are my gardening shoes. Serious! They sit quietly by the back door and remind me to check on my little veggie creation! They are a bright coral color and aren't THAT cute for everyday life....but for gardening they are FABULOUS! And guess what...they make me happy! These things probably...actually I'm sure.... sound crazy to most of you! Shouldn't we all have something a bit on the odd side that makes life fun!?!
The point of all of this.....1.) I'm a bit of a wackadoo 2.) Who cares what other people think...be proud of the person that you are. 3.) Do what makes YOU happy!
And now I'm going to give you the quote of the day.....brace yourselves.....from one of my hubbies favorite movies Van Wilder....."you can't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive!" Right!?!
I want to see pics of the garden! Cute shoes!