Here I's 9:00 and the kid and dog are FINALLY off to bed. Its completly quiet except for the air conditioner running. I sit at our desk in front of the computer. In my line of vision are presciptions, doctors appointment cards, Arbonne products that need mailed out (sorry ladies if your waiting) and a mostly empty bottle of calamine lotion!
Today was a rough one.....the only blessing was that the hubbie got to stay home from work to help handle the MESS we call our life!
Here is goes......for the past few days I have been slowly turning into a medical mystery. I woke one night with uber swollen, itchy, and pressure filled hands....I refer to them as my MAN HANDS. Sadly they werent just man hands they were 6 foot 7 and FAT man hands! Isn't that a lovely picture! Since then I have developed swollen feet, joint pain, chest pain, and my personal favorite....HIVES. Not just a wee little rash....a complete infestation of them covering the bottoms of me feet to the tippity top of my scalp! Doesn't that sound yummy!? and enjoyable!? After some steriods and some Benadryl.....I am exactly in the same place I was before. Irritable and Itchie!
My hubbie on the otherhand...he learned a bit more about a stay at home mom! His morning began at 5:00 when he had to run to the pharmacy to get me ANYTHING that could make my pain go away, after that he made a wonderful breakfast that no one ate, bandaged our lawn guy after an incident with a pointy tree branch! But first let me say... Backyardigans band-aids are a little bit of MAGIC! Then the hubbie did the lunch thing, listened to me moan and groan, dealt with the dogs usual destruction, and put the kid down for a nap. Then like a truely awesome man he lathered his wife down with calamine lotion before placing socks on her hands and feet and forced HER to take a nap. Which I thoroughly enjoyed as much as you could....given the pain, fever and all!
Then he learned about NAP TIME....from now on I don't think he will ever call during this time of heaven again! He understands the meaning of TiVo, a couch and QUIET!
The rest of the day was about the same....I lounged, talked on the phone...while he watered flowers, took out the trash, gave the dog a bath, and happened.......
The perfect father, husband, and friend did what every woman does atleast once a week. He hit the breaking point, lets just say "the shit hit the fan"....or maybe just the dining room rug. Our favorite dog, who has been accident free for months, took a big, huge, wet CRAP on the nice freshly cleaned carpet.
And that was it...if you have been in this situation there are no need for words!
"Screw the dog.....this sucks. You take care of this. I'm going upstairs to take a shower!!!"
And there he went, yup, I bet I looked pretty damn pathetic with my hives scrubbing a rug on my hands and knees. But I tell you this....something about making someone see YOUR side of the story can make all those itchies go away! And now he officially had a true day in the life of a housewife!
And P.S. I WILL be reminding him of this day the next time he comes home from work and asks, "why are YOU so moody!?"
Grass is always greener Kyle! LOL! Cute story. I hope you feel better soon! What's the medical problem? Megan says "hi!"