Friday, July 17, 2009

To be a Dinosaur Bodyguard....

Wednesday July 15th, 2009 the day we learned that this little monster in my belly is a baby GIRL! Go figure....ladies always know how to get people to notice them. And if its by giving your mother teenage acne and a case of serious be it! Let the mother and daughter relationship begin!

My hubbie has ALWAYS said that he wants all boys. With a boy you only have to worry about your son's penis....with a girl, you have to worry about every elses penis! Sick I know, but sadly so true! He also was worried about the money she was going to strip him of, and will she be exactly like her mother (but not in the GOOD way), and the wiping from front to back freaks him out to no end! But to much of my surprise the moment the Xray tech said could almost see his heart melt. Little does he know it, but she is already working on getting wrapped around that finger....

As for me. I am SUPER excited! I come from a family of 3 brothers...then having Gavin, the hubbie and Moe (who is also a boy) I am ready for that extra estrogen! My thoughts of this little pink bundle of joy are that I hope she will be a nice person, confident, funny, smart, athletic, with MY eyes, great hair, straight teeth, daddys temperment, and her own sense of style. What more could you ask for in the coolest girl in the world!

As for her BIG he excited!?! Not so much.
"Gavin are you so excited to have a baby SISTER!?"
"Why not!?"
"I want a BOY!!!"
"Caaaauuuuusssse"(he likes to exaggerate the cause)
"But did you know that if you have a sister you need to grow EXTRA big and strong to protect her from icky, ugly, no good boys.....You have to be her bodyguard and watch after her...."
All of a sudden the little 2 year old looks up at me! His brown eyes grow larger and full of excitment as he says...
"Like a DINOSAUR???"
All I can think is....WHAT!!!!
Seriously holding back laughter from this comment was harder then usual. I have NO IDEA where in the HELL he came up with that. But who cares.... it worked. Were on day 3 and we haven't had a "I want a boy" tantrum since.

Gavin is now officially known as the "Dinosaur Bodyguard" and he wouldn't have it any other way!

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