So I am EXACTLY 20 weeks half way! Actually.....I'm one of those special gals that gets to be chopped in half to retrieve my little bambino. Which means.....I can pick my date....which means....I won't put myself thru 40 weeks of this itchy bloatedness....which means.... Hallelujah!!! I'm past the half way point!
So far I've been lucky. No....I'm definatly not glowing unless you consider shiney, red, inflamed bumps, glowing! But I HAVE managed to keep my weight under control....yeah amazing to me too! Each time I go into the doctors office I slip off my shoes and take deep breathes to buy MORE time so I can prolong that damn scale....(dramatic I know!) But to my surprise the past 4 visits. I have been losing weight! WHAT!?! I guess its called eating healthy and exercising....who would have thought! Anyhoo....the nurses keep saying things like, "Ummm......It's kinda time that you started to gain some weight" (secretly I love it when they say this)
But I think that ship has just left the port. The time is now. I know cravings and/or aversions are common in EVERY pregnancy. Do I LOVE a mustard potato salad a bit more these days....YES......Do I think about the Arby's medium Roast beef with a side of their special BBQ sauce everytime I drive by....YES....have I lost the desire to drink my favorite cheap bottle of Pinot Noir......very sadly YES. But this is the norm...nothing crazy.
Until now....the scale better start running...I have officially crossed the border in more ways then one. It happened with Gavin and now again with this bun in my oven! SEVERE....and I mean ravenous cravings for MEXICAN. Spicy, cheesey, guacamole filled beef things with a bit of heaven on the side. When done right it can be truely orgasmic.....REALLY. So I am calling it now, baby number two's first hormonal, side splinting, on the verge of tears, begging for the hubbie to go after hours, don't care where you find it craving! CHIPOTLE....a burrito bowl with Barbecola, lettuce, key lime rice, pinto beans, roasted corn salsa, sour cream and extra guacamole!! I ate it ALL while giving Gavin his night time I bet THAT was a sight!
But I have to say the quote for the evening came from my beloved husband who looked down at me on the white tiles of our bathroom floor as I washed a toddlers hair while wiping guac from my chin........ "Damn, you are so pregnant!"
I can totally hear your hubby saying that! LOL! Love it! Take care of yourself darling.