Wednesday, April 7, 2010

TIP: How to feel FABULOUS!!!

 Alright...I totally believe in inner confidence, a strong self esteem, and the "who gives a shit!" approach to life.  But I also believe that anyone can have an off day.  So what do you do!?  My example:  a stay at home mom.  Still not happy with her weight, feeling out of the "party it up" scene and the fact that going out clothes are very much lacking in her closet.

  So what does she do to make herself FABULOUS.  To be as confident as she once was pre children...or hell.... pre period. This is hypothetical...certianly not me last month on my trip to Chicago. :)

 Well a lot of people turn to shoes.  Yes, shoes are a wonderful thing.  But have you ever thought about WHY shoes are so popular!? If you have ever been chubby you'll already know the is because no matter WHAT dress size you wear you can ALWAYS fit into a hot pair of shoes.  You can hide yourself in a three quarter length plain black shirt, jeans, and hot shoes. Boooom! Your feeling sassy and ready for a night out on the town! But what if you now have the mentality that, "oh...the kids have grown out of their clothes. And with me staying at home and not contributing.....I better not buy those"!?! Booo.....and totally SUCKS! Yes, I said SUCKS!

  I have your answer....FAKE EYELASHES!!!! $7 at MAC and the best mood lifter since prescription drugs! They are easy to apply, cheap, and an instant sassifier (I like to make up words!)  Your eyes look like you haven't been up all night changing pee pee sheets, but in a satin eye mask with your lover in a fluffy california king sized bed! YES!!!   Life is good again!  Now go...GO! Head to your local makeup guru and have them hook you up!  Date night has NEVER been better!

1 comment:

  1. oooh! I've always wanted to try them but my eyelashes are SO blond- wouldn't it look weird??

    I wish you lived next door and we could go be fabulous together!
