Saturday, April 17, 2010

To be a fly on my wall...

At this exact moment BOTH of my little adorable children are crying.  Not "I'm hurt", not "I'm hungry", not "Oops, I crapped my pants".  They are BOTH crying because they want to cry. Gav woke up in a HORRIBLE mood from a last minute nap on the couch (which is NEVER good, even though it IS cute!) This crying has been going on for joke.  But then Tilly must have gotten jealous that her brother was taking up too much air space and had to be heard.  I am just in such shock about the ridiculousness of the situation that I decided to blog.  I am sitting on the love seat while Gavin is on the sofa and Tilly is in her bouncy seat.  We are snug as bugs in the living room, watching some Dora, and they are STILL CRYING.  I sit here and ignore...I mean try to ignore.....Oh MY GOSH!!!!! I am about to lose my mind.  And I am sure some of you are asking, "where is that fabulous hubbie of yours!?" Well he decided that he would be a sweetie and run to the store for me.....yeah no!  He made out like a bandit.  I just texted him saying, "run for the your freedom while you still can..."

I am taking one for the team, that is for sure. By the way...still crying!!! Has anyone ever put their children to bed at 5:30!?!  Cause did I mention that they are STILL crying.... and now the dog is barking....PERFECT!  The hub is going to come home to find his wife in the bathroom closet with a bottle of wine......I got to make sure I don't forget my corkscrew.....gotta run!

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