Thursday, March 11, 2010

I did a bad thing....

(P.S. This is NOT a recent picutre!)

  So I have been working with the Gav man....well on everything.  Potty training is the big one...and attitude adjustment is the other.  FRUSTRATING is all I can say.  The potty training is going, but slow and steady...but that means we will win the race!? Right!? Yeah if the race ends in 5th grade!  Anyhoo.....
  I still have to change his morning diaper and lately he has started to resist it.  I think its the terrible 3 thing OR I just have a bratty child.  Not sure yet....but I'll let you know.  And actually as I am contemplating this I think it could all have started around baby sisters appearance. Hmmm....I'll have to do some detective work!
  Basically the thing is this...I understand that he is testing his boundaries, I understand that I put UP a lot of boundaries, what I dont understand is why he has to WHINE  everytime he hits the brick wall (aka mommy)
  So the bad thing......I am negotiating with the 3 year old on WHY he needs to get his cute little behind up the stairs so I can change his rank smelling morning diaper.  He doesn't WANT too.  I say "Fine, then you lose your TV privledges for the morning" and he replies in the most annoying whining voice "I DO WANT to come upstairs and change my diaper!"  Well Hell...then come up and change your damn what I was thinking.  But instead of keeping my mouth shut I added "Quit acting like a whiney little girl who cries all the time!" He replies.." I'm NOT a GIRL I'm a BOY!" then continues to cry......
 Morale of the story...I am EVIL.  First off I am so "I am woman here me ROAR!" its shocking that those words even came OUT of my mouth....but second.  I can't believe I just made fun of my his FACE!  I'm like a bully...but a bully of little kids!  Thats even worse.  I just get so damn frustrated.  When you know that you have a smart and independent little stud of a son like I do!:) Then it makes it worse when they are NOT behaving to their potential. I guess I have to cool down and apologize.  THIS is what makes parenting hard.  You have to have patience, respect for your little nuggets, and plenty of booze on hand! Its tough! And now realizing I have a sweet little baby who will have to go thru the same lovely stages as her brother.....God help us all!


  1. Ok, so your blog made me feel just a little bit better about my parenting style, because I do the exact same thing to Eli (This is Jessi (Sjoken) Baker btw). I even will mock cry at him. At first it made him really mad and he would try and swing at me, which he got in even more trouble for, but now he starts to laugh along with me and it changes his mood pretty fast and gives both of us a pretty good laugh.

    But I do agree with you potty training boys really sucks, well not that I have had to potty train a girl, but boys don't really care if they pee all over them selves and sit in it forever. Rewards and bribes work really well for pretty much anything.

    Just stick to your guns and even though it really sucks to see that it's you making them miserable it lasts about 20 seconds. Kisses and hugs and then they are off to play, like nothing ever happened.

    Isn't parenting a joy? LOL.

  2. The "whine." UGH! I'm so sorry the Gav man is a whiner. I heard someone say to their whiney kiddo, "When you are making that noise I can't understand you. When you're ready to stop making that noise I will listen to what you have to say." I used it at school and it worked like a charm. The difficulty is maintaining enough composure to say those nice words instead of what you are REALLY thinking which is more along the lines of something else... :-)
