Monday, September 28, 2009

before I forget.....

Happy 1st Birthday Moe!

Moe's Birthday cupcake!

First off let me say.....those of you who REALLY know me will understand why it took me 2 months to blog about the celebration of my puppys 1 year anniversary as a Schmidt. Those of you who don't. Spend a day with me at my house with the dog and you will quickly see the love/hate relationship I have with him.
Now don't think I'm some evil person, even though I truly have my days. I'm just not an ANIMAL person. I think its in my blood, passed down thru generations. For as large as my extended family is...not many of us even HAVE pets! Nor does anyone feel like their life is incomplete without one. So that means your probably wondering why I even got a pet in the first place (trust me, so do I!) Well I guess I have to say my answer is this. I want to stop the cycle. Man that sounds like were some alcoholic, obusive, wackadoo family. Well, cut out the obusive part and the statement could be a bit more accurate!
Anyhoo, I'm getting honest....I had a tremendous FEAR of dogs as a child. Let me put it to you this way. When I was in kindergarten I got my first dog. I named her Kelsey. She was a cute and innocent little black and white mut of a puppy. She was an outside dog...never allowed in the house. Now imagine was before my parents had an attached garage. I begged, pleaded and cried for my parents to carry me whenever I was outside. Literally everytime I was outside I either needed to be held or they had to lock up the dog in the garage. Jami and Kelsey were like oil and vinegar! We never mixed. To help you understand the seriousness of being held. Once I was in my dads arms (and remember I was almost 6) I would climb his body like a spider monkey so that so she couldn't even reach my shoes.....thats how scared I was...well..and how short my dad was. But whatever, you work with what you got! ha!
I used to ride home from school on the bus. It was my moms duty every afternoon to hold the dog while I walked from the bus to the house. That way I wouldn't look like a fool to all of my friends....God knows I couldn't show my face once the word was out that I was a crazy who was dealthy afraid of her little puppy! was vaccuming, bus came early, and then it happened. I got off the bus to be surprised by my little excited and "ferocious" (don't forget that part) puppy kelsey. She started to jump all over me with love and joy because her little friend (aka me) was home from school. My angle.....the ferocious beast of a dog started to attack me as I stepped off of the bus. So I took my little strawberry shortcake backpack and beat the dog as hard and as many times as I could. Screaming with all my might trying desperatly to save my life that was quickly flashing before my eyes....then to my rescue was my mother. But I'm pretty sure at the time I yelled at her for slacking on her doggie patrol duties and probably did a good job of making her feel like dirt....yeah....that sounds more like me! So to make the story short....well first off.... I LIVED! Praise Jesus! But then the next day the busdriver pulled me aside and asked what had happened. He felt terrible that some strange dog was attacking me, he almost turned the bus around to help, until he saw my mother....but then I HAD to fess up and say, "no sir, that was my dog" HOW PATHETIC!!! I hope your atleast getting a good laugh out of this! back to stopping the cycle. My son LOVES his dog...hopefully baby girl will too. Me on the other hand will always think he stinks, licks too much and barks too often. And truthfully this is all so that I don't have to get too close! :) No...I'm not scared of him....but I just can't explain it! But for now I will still continue to spoil him with material things like holistic food, specialty toys, trips to the doggie spa and birthday parties. And this is just me trying to overcompensate for not being a loving enough mother! I only have so much I can give.......
So to another year of Moe! Just be thankful you aren't Kelsey!

Monday, September 21, 2009

bring on the CAKE (and eye cream)

Today I am officially older......not old....but UNDENIABLY older. I woke up this morning, TIRED....not because I was up all night from some crazy wild early twenty shananigans....but from cramps, heartburn and gas from my second pregnancy. It made me sad, almost depressed. I was even CONSIDERING taking my birthday money from my parents to go buy a new breast pump! What was happening to me! A Medella over a hot new pair of brown leather boots!?! It's because I'm OOLLLDDDD!!!!!

All my single and fabulous friends have been calling to inquire, "what are you doing tonight!? How are you celebrating!?" Well let me tell you..... coffee with fat FILLED creamer, hanging new curtins in the nursery, making chilli for the week, getting fun FaceBook birthday messages, opening a gift certificate for spa treatments from the hubbie (that you better BELIEVE will be used on an anti-aging facial!) and CAKE lots of CAKE!!!!

And this morning my reaction to this would have been the same as my single in the city friends, "Oh......ummm thats nice...." but now that my day is almost to an end.....honestly, I'm realizing that I feel pretty damn lucky. Actually excited! I might even throw in an Arbonne detox bath and perfect the day! I'm thrilled to make it to the....ummm.... big 28!
So what if this birthday isn't one for the books.... it was a great day. Different the the typical party girl celebration....but atleast it was spent with the people that I care the most about and the pajamas that I love! So screw what I thought the day "should" be and toast to what it was! To yet another year.....may it be filled with happiness, health, eye cream and CAKE!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

tractors and robes don't mix

I never would have imagined that a part of my life would revolve around a good ole John Deere! For the past few months I have been busy planning a blowout John Deere Bash for the Gav-man's 3rd birthday! Cookies, cakes, pinatas, and my favorite John Deere beer! Lets just should pray that you get an invitation! Ha! (or maybe not!)
Too add to the explosion of JD tracors in my son is also placing his tractors, gators and books strategically around the house. "they're farming" he says....."dont move them". Well how could I disrupt his creativity. I've been move relaxed then usual about the toy pickup....he is just too damn cute to crack the whip on this. Until now...
Tuesday morning, imagine this.......a pregnant lady in a fluffy white robe...underneath commando, a bare newly pedicured foot, and a child begging that I put on his favorite (get ready for the surprise) John Deere movie (yes, they have those...thank you aunt Debbie)
As I say " problem!" As I reach for the remote my left foot hits the little green tractor that resembles a roller skate......which then turns INTO a roller skate!
Preggo goes down..... HARD....and the robe flaps open which then means.... NAKED. Twice in a month I have offically scared my child! Not too shabby! Needless to say, the tractors no longer "farm" in the living room! Andmommy hasn't put the robe back on in fear that I might get into more trouble!:)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My day so far.....

From the outside the life of a housewife always seems Fabulous....maybe even magical. Spending the day with sweet and innocent children as we go to play dates at the park, library story times, and restful naptimes. Well it DOESN'T work that way.....actually no...sometimes it does....but I would say 1 day a month MAYBE goes like that! Today is not that day!

First off....I dont get any sleep with this pregnacy...not sure why!? But I'm dealing with it! Add on a 2:00am wakeup call to a tearful little boy who was scared of his room! Honestly it broke my heart.....he hugged us and BEGGED for us to not make him sleep in his room! But for fear of starting a bad trend my hubbie and I walked him back in and got him settled. An hour later he fell asleep.

The good part...or so I thought.... was that the little man was sleeping in. I thought what a perfect time for a little mommy/daddy shut the door time....sorry mom if your reading this!:) So now let your imagination go......and imagine that we forget to actually SHUT the door....and then lets imagine that there in the hallway was a wide eyed and speechless little boy.....he barely could sputter the words, "daddy, WHAT are you DOING!?" I could have DIED! My first thought we have permantly damaged our child! He will never recover! Then the hubbie came up with a tickle monster excuse, which luckily did the trick, and the fact that I was now laughing hysterically made it all more true!:) But it DOES remind me of sneaking around the parents....but I think its more sad when your sneaking around your children! Anyhoo!

After some much needed coffee...I dealt with the normal breakfast for kid and pet...made lunch for the hubbie, cleaned, computer time, and list making for the day! (but I do love that part!) Then my perfect little dog...yeah right...decided that HE was a little boy. When he doesnt get what he wants...his new thing! He throws a TANTRUM...can you believe it!?! He sits right in front of you and BARKS his head off. He's been a real keeper today, scratching the kid, attacking pillows, and getting into the smelliest stuff! This preggo lady is ready to barf at any minute! And lose her mind.........

So what do I do....put the kid down for his nap, put the dog down for his nap (I'm very serious about that one) had some lunch and now catching up on my much needed blog and FB time! It rejuvenates me! My stradegy for getting thru the afternoon! I'm baking cookies....I can bribe the kid to stay good if he knows he'll get cookie dough at the end of the day! I tell him I'll make cookies after your nap, which then turns to after you clean up your room, which turns into if you play quietly in your room, which then turns into if you eat your dinner! Yes I know I'm a genius....and that I might have a fat kid later in life....but right now this cookie dough is what is going to make the rest of my day that MAGICAL experiance that everyone WITHOUT kids thinks that I'm having! So cheers to a little refined sugar! ha!