Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don't Hate Me!

I'm horrible...I'm horrible! Its been almost 2 months since I sat down and vented about me, life, family...the DOG! But I have turned into a big fat slacker. Actually no, thats not true. I am NOW the parent of 2 children, the dog is still alive, the hubbie is still around, but in school getting his masters, and I spend all extra minutes trying to lose weight!

Its getting back on track and I WILL have PLENTY of stories to fill you in on....here is a thought to wet your appetite!

Gavin....the dog cage.....cage door shuts...cage door opens....Gavin has finished pooping! My son is a bit confused to where the bathroom is! I'm thinking he'll be 5 years old before we get this down!

Again...my apologies to those of you who like to laugh at my life! I promise I will be back! Its my goal for 2010...that and fitting into a size 8! Love to you all!

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